Wah Kee Ginseng Tang
In Chinese cooking, every ingredient has a purpose, so of course when it comes to an herbal soup, so does Wah Kee Ginseng Tang brings in vitality basic nourishment and infinite hope.
Ingredients/Bahan-bahan 成分
Ginseng Slice, Lycium, Dioscorea, Polygonatum, Codonopsis, Flammulina Velutipes Powder (FVP) and others secret recipe.
Method of cooking
Add 1 packet of “Jin Lu Brand”Wah Kee Ginseng Tang into 2 liters boiling water together with any kind of 1 kg fresh meat, boil for 30 mins with high heat, after that simmer for another 30 mins with low heat. Add salt and condiments to taste and serve hot.
Cara-cara memasak
Masukkan 1 bungkus “Jin Lu Brand” Wah Kee Ginseng Tangdan 1 kg daging ayam ke dalam 2 liter air didh, masak selama 30 min dengan api yang kuat, kemudian masak dengan api yang rendah selama 30 min. Masukkan garam secukup rsa dan perasa lain, hidangkan semasa panas.
将2公升水煮开后,加入1包“金路牌” 花旗参汤汤包及1公升鸡肉,用大火煲30分钟再转小火煲30分钟。加入适量盐及调味品,成热食用。