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Bioplast First Aid Dressing (Fabric)

Packing: 100's / Box

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Bioplast Fabric Dressing is for minor cuts, scrapes, blisters and burns.  The air-permeable, sterile, flexible & elastic features helps to protect the wound from environment pollution.

Apply dressing to clean and dry skin gently.  Change the dressing daily or when wet or more often if needed for better protection.

Bioplast 布质创可贴,适用于轻微割伤,水泡及烧伤。它透气,无菌,柔韧和弹性的特点有助于保护伤口免受环境污染。

将创可贴轻轻贴在清洁干燥的皮肤上。 如创可贴潮湿必须更换,或每天更新以保持最佳的防护。

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